Offshore Banking

Offshore banking is becoming increasingly popular among individuals and corporations. It simply refers to banking in a jurisdiction other than your country of residence. It is particularly significant for individuals, who live/work abroad, own properties overseas, travel regularly for work or simply want to park a part of their money in a secure location.

Retail offshore banking provides a wide range of services including:

Deposit facilities - short/long term and structured deposits
A wide range of offshore bank account (savings, checking)
24 hour Online banking services
Debit and credit cards
Wire transfers, international money orders, electronic fund transfer

How can we help you?

We feel that the term "offshore banking "puzzles people and they are not sure how they could possibly benefit from it. In our view, there are many beneficial features such as higher levels of privacy and protection, tax free regimes, asset protection from political or economical instability from one's current country of residence or citizenship, negligible foreign exchange tariffs, etc. So, if you wish to access any or all of these benefits, then PMI would help you in opening an offshore bank account today!